Advisors: Lawrence Chua, Susan Henderson

We are interested in advising projects that are critically engaged with historical research and knowledge about the past. These might include projects that are interested in historical modes of representation, archives, and spatial narration and organization of the past. This might also include more conventional projects that have to do with preservation and renovation. Projects can be at any scale (the building, the landscape, the urban) but must demonstrate a clear contribution to the production of knowledge about the built and destroyed environment. 

This group adopts a student-centered (and “student-student centered”) advisory model in which students are responsible for generating their thesis project. Faculty advisors will meet with students at a schedule to be determined on a case-by-case basis. Generally, students meet with faculty advisors on a weekly or bi-weekly basis to share their progress. Students will work with individual faculty advisors. The full thesis advisory group will meet together for all major reviews.

tuesday, may 2, 9:30 am - 4:15 pm, rooms 402 & 404

Internal Critics: Goode, Frolet, Wu, Wang

9:30 AM Tyler Mudge
Natick Ghosts
(Slocum 402)
10:20 AM Thitaree Suwiwatchai
Reconstruction of Cultural Imaginations
(Slocum 402)
11:00 AM Khushee Chauhan
Tale of the Temple
1:00 PM Maximilian Horkenbach & Junming Liao
Model for Patchwork Urbanism
1:50 PM Fatima B N A Malek Mohammad
Reactivating Kuwaiti Communal Spaces
2:40 PM Tiffany Chen & Samantha Lee
Learning from Chinatown