1. Schedule an advising appointment
Schedule an advising appointment using Orange Success.
2. MySlice Shopping Cart
Add classes you are interested in taking to your shopping cart in MySlice.
Refer to your program’s curriculum chart (M.S. or M.Arch) and the registration information sent to your SU email and/or Microsoft Teams to help aid in your selections.
3. Meet with your advisor
Discuss your course selections with your advisor in the context of your overall degree plans. Degree audits will be available at your advising appointment.
4. Register on MySlice
After you have been advised, go back to your MySlice shopping cart and register for the classes that you placed in your cart. Be sure to make any adjustments that you might have discussed in your advising session. To view the date and time you are allowed to register, use the “View My Enrollment Dates” link in MySlice. If you attempt to register prior to your assigned time, you will receive an error message.