Vedyun Mishra G’21 (M.S.), a graduate student in the School of Architecture, has been selected for Metropolis Magazine’s Future100, an elite group of architecture and interior architecture students from the U.S. and Canada.
The inaugural award recognizes the top 100 graduating students in North America who, as emerging leaders, are interpreting and reimagining the fields of architecture and interior architecture.
Selected from a diverse pool of nearly 300 candidates, Mishra is one of only 50 architecture students to receive the honor, selected based on the creativity, rigor, skill and professionalism exhibited by his portfolio and nomination entry.
“We were blown away by the quality of work you and your peers submitted, and we felt that you represent a bright future for our industry—one of beautiful, thoughtful, innovative, sustainable and inclusive design,” said Avinash Rajagopal, editor in chief of the magazine, in the award letter.
Vedyun Mishra ’21 (M.S.)Mishra was nominated by Paul Crovella, assistant professor of forest and natural resources management at SUNY-ESF, and Daekwon Park and Fei Wang, assistant professors in the School of Architecture.
His design portfolio contains a number of projects that explore modularity as a way of addressing pressing social challenges. In Recondition, a veteran support facility, Mishra looks at using principles of evidence-based design and universal design to conceptualize a new type of assisted living community for service members and their families who have been affected by the repercussions of war and deployment.
And in JAN Connect, a prototype idea submitted to UnBox2017—an international competition that challenged participants to model public spaces out of recycled shipping containers—Mishra and his partner created an 8-foot by 8-foot module system to amalgamate various public utilities for underserved districts such as a space crunch metropolitan like Delhi, India.
“Vedyun is no doubt a great student and an incredible collaborator,” says Wang. “He is a hard worker and more importantly, a critical thinker that has a strong passion for sustainability and a real-world design sense of architecture.”
In addition to the prestigious Metropolis Future100 honor, during his time at the School of Architecture, Mishra was named a winner in this year’s JUMP into STEM online building science competition, served as architectural lead for the joint Syracuse University/SUNY-ESF Solar Decathlon Design Challenge team in 2019-2020, was chosen to give a talk on the power of inclusive architecture at the student-run TEDx Syracuse University conference this month and, most recently, received a Graduate Dean’s Award for Excellence in Research and Creative Work.
“I am earnestly grateful for the recognition I have received for my work. I always try to champion the thoughts of inclusivity and sustainability through my work and receiving this recognition definitely give me encouragement to carry on this journey to build a more responsible world,” says Mishra.
After graduation, Mishra plans to join a firm that echoes his vision and allows him to contribute to the built environment through his research and design.
“I have been sincerely impressed by Vedyun’s leadership qualities and communication skills,” says Park. “Coupled with his proactive, confident and conscientious personality, I have no doubt that he will continue to grow as a thoughtful, competent and creative designer and leader.”
To view the full Future100 list, visit