The School of Architecture is able to accept both professional and non-professional transfer credits from other legitimate institutions of higher learning. This includes American and foreign universities and American community colleges. Courses that earn a grade of C or higher will qualify for transfer. Among the general studies courses that our students take during the first two years of the program are math (up to calculus), physics and writing. You can also receive transfer credit for courses you might take in the physical and social sciences and the humanities.

As a design-based program, we require 9 semesters of architecture studio.  Regardless of the number of credits previously acquired in non-studio courses, all transfer students are required to begin the studio sequence in first year.  The only exception is if a transfer student is able to present a solid foundation in architectural design and receive approval of the Syracuse Architecture associate dean. Proof of completed studio coursework and a portfolio of design work must be submitted. Advancement to second-year studio occurs only upon approval of the undergraduate chair.

Transfer students are only admitted to the undergraduate program in the fall semester.

Application process

External applicants from other institutions

All applicants must apply to Syracuse University and submit a portfolio to the School of Architecture.

Deadline is as close to January 5 as possible for full consideration. We have a limited number of transfer spots available each fall.

Intra-University Transfer Students 

Intra-university transfer (IUT) students are those already enrolled at Syracuse University and looking to switch their course of study. According to the undergraduate course catalog, IUT students must adhere to the following standards for transfer to the School of Architecture:

  • 3.0 GPA
  • No mid-year transfers
  • Interview and portfolio review required

The deadline for the IUT application is Friday, March 21, 2025. Submit a portfolio via email .

Recommended classes for IUT candidates