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Andrew Kovacs

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Andrew Kovacs ’06 (BArch) is a Los Angeles-based architectural designer and educator. Kovacs’ work on architecture and urbanism has been published widely including A+U, Pidgin, Project, Pool, Perspecta, Manifest, Metropolis, Clog, Domus, and The Real Review.

Additionally, Kovacs is the creator and curator of Archive of Affinities, a widely viewed website devoted to the collection and display of architectural b-sides. In 2015, Kovacs published the book, Architectural Affinities as part of the Treatise series organized and sponsored by the Graham Foundation in Chicago.

Kovacs’ design studio, Office Kovacs works on projects at all scales from books, exhibitions, temporary installations, interiors, homes, speculative architectural proposals and public architecture competitions. The recent design work of Office Kovacs includes a proposal for a network of parks in the downtown Los Angeles alleys, a large-scale installation entitled “Colossal Cacti” at the Coachella Valley Arts and Music Festival, and an experimental camping pavilion in the Morongo Valley Desert.


Spring 2020