
Geoffrey Thün

Geoffrey Thün is Professor of Architecture at Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning, and a founding partner of RVTR. He currently serves as Associate Vice President for Research; Social Sciences, Humanities and the Arts at University of Michigan.

RVTR is a research-based design practice led by Kathy Velikov and Geoffrey Thün which serves as a platform for investigation and experimentation with the intertwinements across architecture, the environment, technology, and sociopolitics through systems-based design strategies. Work ranges from material prototypes that explore new possibilities for architectural skins that mediate matter, energy, information, space, and atmosphere between bodies and environments, to the investigation of urban infrastructures and territorial practices with a focus on social infrastructure and environmental stewardship. Their work has been published and exhibited widely. Awards include the Architectural League’s Young Architects Award, the Canadian Professional Prix de Rome in Architecture, and two R&D Awards from Architecture Magazine. Velikov and Thün are co-authors of Infra Eco Logi Urbanism (Park Books, 2015) and Velikov is co-editor of Ambiguous Territory: Architecture, Landscape, and the Postnatural (Actar, 2022).