I am an international student and do not complete a FAFSA. Am I still eligible to apply for scholarships?

Yes, please send an email to Sherry Hayes at slhayes@syr.edu and provide a brief explanation on your circumstances. Examples can include: parent/guardian does not receive an income that support study abroad expenses; parent/guardian lost their job due to difficult economic situation in my home country and is unable to assist me with tuition, etc. This information will be shared with the scholarship review committee and remains confidential.

I am currently a first-year student. Can I apply for scholarships?


When can I apply for a scholarship?

The scholarship application process begins on February 6, 2025.

I am a high school senior who has been accepted to the School of Architecture. Can I apply for scholarships?

The scholarships referred to on this site are available to current Architecture students. Please contact the School’s office of enrollment management at archug@syr.edu for information available for incoming students.

When and how do students find out if they received a scholarship?

Notifications are sent by email no later than April 1, 2025.

How do I access the application?

Students will be sent an email notification on February 5, 2025, with a link to the application page. There will also be notifications via social media and signage within Slocum Hall.

How do I know what term to select on the registration page?

Students who would like to use funding for study abroad should know the term and location when applying for scholarships. For general scholarships, unless a term is indicated, the funding defaults to the fall semester.

How are the funds distributed for the award?

Unless otherwise indicated in writing upon acceptance of the award, the funds will be applied to the student’s bursar account just prior to the start of the semester.

What are the semesters that I will be applying for?

You must be registered to take classes during the semester for which you are applying: Fall 2025 and Spring 2026.

Please contact Sherry Hayes at slhayes@syr.edu if you have any questions.