A recognition ceremony for all Meredith winners will be held Thursday, April 14 at 4pm in the Goldstein Alumni and Faculty Center.
Assistant Professor Kyle Miller, winner of Meredith Teaching Recognition SwardKyle Miller is one of seven non-tenured faculty members receiving Meredith Teaching Recognition Awards. Others include Elizabeth Ashby, Patrick Berry, Michelle Blum, Dawn Dow, Natalie Koch, and Kevin Morrison.
Specific goals of the Meredith are to recognize excellence in teaching and to encourage a culture of collegial mentoring among faculty members.
Each year, up to five non-tenured tenure-track faculty members and up to two non-tenure track, adjunct, or part-time faculty members are awarded $3,000 for professional development. The funds may be used by the recipients for expenses they may incur in furthering their professional development, such as the purchase of equipment, materials, or travel.
All faculty members who have completed two years at Syracuse University and who are not yet in the year of their tenure review are eligible for these awards. Letters are sent to all faculty in January through campus mail, asking for nominations. The criteria for selection will be demonstrated excellence as a teacher and promise for continued growth as a teacher.
At Syracuse Architecture, Miller teaches architectural design studios and media courses. In fall 2014, he co-taught ARC 604, a design studio for incoming graduate students, with longtime School of Architecture Professor and Meredith Professor for Teaching Excellence Anne Munly. “Our teaching of the graduate students that fall was very gratifying: the coordinated set of studio exercises were effective because we were in agreement on learning goals and teaching methods. … I believe the students gained by the example of our teamwork and also from our different perspectives, which always led to discourse rather than discord,” Munly says. Miller suggested concluding the studio with a student-curated final exhibition, which was highly successful.
This year, Miller and Munly are co-coordinators of the first-year architectural design studio sequence, which includes ARC 107 and ARC 108. In the fall, they oversaw “Cube City,” a student-designed exhibition on display during Family Weekend.
Miller says he strives to develop a skill set that allows him to become effective and influential, locally and globally, as an educator and researcher. With support from the University’s Innovative Program Development Fund, Miller created “Architecture Itself,” a special event comprised of design workshops and a lecture series. In addition to teaching, Miller is a member of the school’s Curriculum Committee and frequently presents his pedagogical research at national and international conferences. Most recently, he presented at the 12th International Architectural Humanities Research Association Conference in Leeds in November 2015, at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Collegiate Schools of Architecture in Toronto in March 2015 and at the National Conference for the Beginning Design Student in Houston in February 2015.
Miller is also co-founder of Possible Mediums; a collaborative research project dedicated to advancing design investigations based in speculative architectural mediums; and, beginning in August 2016, will serve as the director of Syracuse Architecture in Florence.
(credit to KellieHoman Rodoski, SU News)