
5:00pm EDT May 3, 2018

Shelving Day

Class of 2018 thesis students shelve their collections of artifacts.

“Shelf Life initiates the collective afterlife of a diverse set of academic investigations. It is an “archive,” a “store,” a “game” and a “platform” that enables the shelved objects to circulate as images and as things.

Shelfies of the exhibition will be distributed and exchanged through social media, videos of the array will be streamed, and an online image inventory will be available for browsing. Eventually, the shelving will transform and the objects will be reshelved, allowing them to mingle and affiliate in new ways.

When the next academic year begins, Shelf Life enters a new phase: students will select an object to take away and a competition will invite them to curate new amalgamations and mixtures of the objects’ images. Meanwhile, this year’s graduates will continue their projects and launch their professional lives. The show never ends.”

Professor Mark Linder, Thesis Director


Slocum Hall, Visiting Critics Studio

Criteria for Shelved Objects

  • must be reproductions / replicable
  • can be artifacts produced from digital files
  • can be mass produced by others
  • must sit on shelf and be self-supporting
  • average total weight cannot exceed 25lb
  • maximum total dimension (h+w+d) cannot exceed 36” and no single dimension may exceed 20”