
5:30pm EST February 16, 2024

Jess Myers: Adventures in Audiosocial Space

Jess Myers
Urbanist and assistant professor of architecture at Syracuse University

Adventures in Audiosocial Space

In this lecture, Myers will propose sound studies as a critical framework for urban and architectural analysis. Myers challenges architecture’s exclusive relationship with visual communication and proposes instead a practice of “listening.” Myers will make the case for architects’ ears, for how they can be attuned to the soundscapes of the built environment and how a practice of “listening” might impact the dynamics of power in shared and personal space.

Ahearn Workshop

February 17-19

Jess Myers will be holding an in-person workshop from February 17-19. RSVP through Handshake if you’d like to attend.

The weekend workshop will focus on “the interview” as a strategy for urban research and podcasting. On Saturday, participants will record, analyze, and edit interviews with one another to interrogate each participant’s relationship with the city of Syracuse. On Sunday, participants will be introduced to sound editing and learn how to weave excerpts of their interviews together with other “found” sound samples. On Monday, participants will share a 10 to 12 mins edited version of their audio work with guests.

The Ahearn Workshops are made possible by a gift from Patrick Ahearn ’73, G’73, member of the School of Architecture Advisory Board and Syracuse University Trustee.