
Roy Raskin
Founder, HR Heights LLC

B. Arch, Syracuse University, 1995

Roy Raskin began his career in real estate working at Montroy DeMarco Architecture LLP (MDA) in New York City, as well as firms in Jerusalem, gaining his architect certification in 1998 from the Association of Engineers, Architects and Graduates in Technological Sciences in Israel (AEAI), the national umbrella organization representing its members in Israel. From 1998 to 2012, he worked at Raskin Architects & Partners where he designed and built several residential properties in Israel and one rooftop project in Miami.

In 2012, Raskin founded HR Heights LLC, a boutique real estate investment company that designs, renovates and manages vintage properties in South Florida, which he manages along with his family’s investment office, Journey’s End Partners LLC. He is currently an officer and grant committee member of the Gerald and Daphna Cramer Foundation and a member the American Friends of Reichman University (IDC Herzliya) investment committee.

Raskin is very engaged with the School of Architecture’s visiting critic studio program. Most recently he generously funded a spring studio, “Platform Surfside: The Resilient Case Study House”—part of a yearlong campaign supported by Raskin around coastal resilience in collaboration with the Surfside community.