technocrat + -ic
A theory or system of society according to which government is controlled by scientists, engineers, and other experts
Concept in relation to data farms:
Society becomes more and more reliant on the benefits (social, economic, political, environmental, etc) that cloud computing provides that cannot be done otherwise. Thus the cloud becomes the governing factor and controlling interest in many decisions and is considered bad practice if you do not use it. The term technocratic refers to a society that is governed by scientists, engineers, and other experts that use their knowledge to create a society that is utopian in nature according to them. In the future could this evolve further and the cloud becomes self-aware and uses its vast data base collected from almost everyone in the world to govern the world? Creating a new society based on what it decides are in the best interests of the people, whether or not it is in our best interests. But applying that philosophy in a productive and positive manner can be beneficial epically in for data farms. Data input into the farm can be instantly read and the cloud itself can change to better suit the needs of the users, such as releasing more servers to be used and thus allowing easier access.
"To remedy this asymmetry he demanded that designers become more efficient in distributing resources globally. In these claims, Fuller was part of a larger "post-scarcity" technocratic utopianism that claimed the tools for such a redistribution were available and only needed to be systematically applied by social planners."