Smuts defined holism in his book Holism and Evolution in 1926 as the “tendency in nature to form wholes that are greater than the sum of the parts through creative evolution”.1 The term is applied to various fields to interpret diverse phenomenon and theories such as science, sociology, psychology and so on. Especially, the rapid growth of technology since the Industrial revolution in 19th century changed numerous state of living system and the notion explained the complete interdependence or interrelation of all components of system rather than linear cause-effect types of explanation of science. The project SEEK also could be explained by Holism rather than linear cause-effect type of explanation. The most important concept of SEEK was the interaction of a computer-automated robot and a live unpredictable input. The components of system are simply computer-operated robot, gerbil and cubes, but the whole system is extremely complex due to their random relationship. The computer could dynamically react to the changing environment as it was altered by the animals.2 This meant that the system was built as a recurring feedback loop where the final outcome could never quite be predicted because of the random inputs. This concept can explain the complex relationship of all component of autonomous architecture system.