
Matthew Trotter

Matthew Trotter is a designer at Cuningham Group and President-Elect of the Southern California Chapter of the National Organization of Minority Architects (SoCal NOMA). He participated in the planning and execution of the SoCalNOMA Summer Camp for seven years and served on the Executive Board from 2017 to 2021. During his four year tenure, Trotter founded the Developing Professional Group, which is dedicated to empowering minority design professionals in reaching licensure through mentoring, educational seminars, study materials, and financial aid for exam costs. When he stepped down from the director position in 2021, the program had produced seven new SoCal NOMA Architects.The Developing Professional Group is still engaging and supporting aspiring architects in 2023 and beyond.

In May of 2023, Trotter was appointed First Vice President/President Elect of SoCal NOMA based on his dedication to the NOMA community, leadership and design excellence. His passion for uplifting communities and culture through thoughtful design has earned him respect and admiration in his firm and in the architecture community. As a leader in his firm, Matthew channels his passion for people and design in a way that makes space for honest, meaningful dialog and outcomes.